Monday, 25 February 2008

Weekend happenings...

I've had a lovely relaxed weekend, which was definitely the plan after being out almost 24/7 last weekend! My new DVDs arrived on Friday so I spent much of the evening watching episodes of Peep Show and drinking tea :) marvellous!

Anyway, on to more interesting things (the image of me sitting on the sofa watching the telly can only be fascinating for a very brief moment, if at all). I hung out in Soho on Saturday, first eating sushi and going for coffee with Mark for a catch-up (I think I may have been sitting next to a famous in Cafe Nero but I couldn't work out who she was...) and then for a few drinks with Chris, which coincided nicely with the end of the Wales-Italy rugby match. In the evening I went over to Greenwich to see a film at the 02 with Duncan - we watched Be Kind Rewind which was surprisingly heartwarming as well as funny, I'd definitely reccommend it for a chilled-out afternoon.

Most of Sunday was spent rehearsing for State Fair, unfortunately not entirely successfully as we were missing a lot of people this week, for various reasons. I managed to block one new scene and song, and to go over a few dances with the chorus, but with so many people missing, however good it looked on Sunday, when the others return it's bound to revert to being uncertain as people have to alter their positions and try to remember the steps at the same time! Annoyingly poor Alison (who's in charge of costume) arrived not long after we'd sent most of the cast home, hoping to measure everyone! I think most people should be back next week, but it's getting very frustrating as we get closer to the show that we can't progress, as we're having to re-rehearse the same things over and over, either because people were missing or we haven't got the people we need to do new things.

The most exciting thing that will be happening this week (apart from me giving lots of venue tours to the interview candidates we've got coming in for the next 3 days) is that Xander and I are going to see Hairspray on Thursday night!!!! We've been wanting to go for ages, so we're using his leaving as an excuse to make the (rather expensive) trip, preceeded by some sushi. Wooo! Also on Saturday it's Alessia's birthday party in Ealing, the fancy dress theme of which is 'What you wanted to be when you were 6' because Alessia's birthday is on the 29th of February, which means technically she's only 6 this year! I'm keeping my costume a secret (partly because I've got a choice of 3 things I remember wanting to be, and partly because I'm going to see how brave I feel...) so you'll have to wait for the pictures on Facebook!

Other than that nothing much exciting is happening at the moment, but I'll make sure I write a decent review of Hairspray on Friday.
Check out if you get bored, it's really interesting!

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